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Vestigial Brain

A member registered Mar 23, 2022

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Honest review:

Love the new combat system, as through tactics I was able to speed up my conquest rate. Even against larger armies I made ever fight count to their detriment. By doing so I had the map in hand by turn 1800, (truthfully a little sooner) but I saved at a few clicks after in a stable troop deployment to keep order.

The story is getting epic with the goddess capture, was unexpected to get to capture your sister so easy but welcome. The Khan, is a rascal and it should have payed off that his spies are more adept after all his skullduggery in early versions. I'm loving the orc interaction and actually conquered their fief before the vikingesque one. Alana, was my final conquest as a personal choice. The north was very entertaining and the Elf queen there is one of the most fantastic women yet! I hope the three small territories become conquerable.

I hope one is a goblin land and still think the goblin gang from the Thick Ass Thieves scenario needs another interaction. Was a fun thing to see the addition of rewards. I got silver Braveheart and Ironman. 馃憣馃

Will definitely continue support but request the same download option by mail when 0.12 drops, keep it coming my friend the world and character of the Khan just gets better and better. Seeing the child of the seamstress was fantastic. More offspring in future releases would be a cool interplay and even an eventful power struggle or two as a suggestion.

Stay safe.

Ty, will give a good honest review of how it's come along so far! 馃憣馃挴馃

(2 edits)

Thanks, never got the email from Mega to confirm my account on the app. I'll mail you directly.

Just send me whatever direct to,, because I don't know where to email you. I give a crap who has that email just title it so I know it was about "vae victus Khan".

Bought it but it's a bitch to use Mega to DL. Can you post it on a simple DL site? One that doesn't require registration or apps?


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Just bought v0.11 is the RUS file all there is? Also, MEGA is dragging ass on sending me a confirmation email. Is there an alt DL site?

I have supported you for a long time, 0.3, this is the only game I follow or care to invest in. I paid $24.99 to help the endeavor. Can you put this on a better download site that doesn't take apps to run? Phone space limited. Thanks.

Found the glitch in 6. The boat scene with your sister and her companion. The vigina prop isn't skinned. You forgot to add the flesh tone.

The north should have Viking and Mongol styled goblins. 馃槀

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How the fucc do I leave the couch dialogue with the redhead in shorts?!? I mashed every button I have on my computer! I saved it here because all I managed to do was bring up the save options. Where is the control guide? Complex is right..... Why don't you just explain the controls right here and now to everyone.

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Nice. I'd love to have a goblin wench at the palace and a not overly muscled orcess, maybe a milf plus sized orc woman to do cooking and cleaning and have a milf like role as in "Seven Islands".馃挄 馃槀 Please consider that in future updates. And I like the positions options you implemented on a few characters better than just having to do one type of intercourse.

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I rate it a nice balance, and the economy is good as explained in the storyline. Not to be a spoiler, but the best play is an early loan or theft in the oasis. After a warchest is built up a couple of the fiefs are holdable after conquest with fast reconstruction. I take on Hawatia early. Would like more interaction in that nation and more selection of women of the same type as you blackmail and the queen. I'm a savage Khan, so the war method was just to throw twenty at a time at her 70. In time it was 24 against, 15.5. I did that for all the wars. The time laps was taking a turn to build and setting at least 20 in all garrisons. The raids and constant interaction felt like accomplishment after the final conquests. Don't be afraid to increase the sizes of armies by hundreds for real RTS fans and get more creative in petty conquest. Just sad they ended, and I think rebel fiefs could have some sweet custom unique whenches to gather as harem girls. The size of the Khan's army needs to be larger in any enemy expansion, but as I say, a larger number is easy to dwindle so long as you get a good replenish rate on fresh troops returning. Raids can really effect play if you stay gathered as a horde. One loss and a fief is ruined. I of course let it happen to see the effects, and just rode my overpowered garrison at one central point as a despot for a laugh. Fun game, with such potential to be epic in ways.

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Angilia and Barlin. Two of my favorite characters. The council update looks boss. Oh... almost didn't see Gelbart off to the side, the turd...

(6 edits)

 Proof that "Murdering  Despot" isn't always indicative of a "Complete Bastard". If you wind up calling the Khan a monster the better question is why you allowed your playthrough to go there. 馃槀 Looking forwards to locking horns with male rival leaders in future wars too. Not just hot women.  Not from a gay perspective at all, just the alpha against alpha power play and dynamics in some fiefdoms. Spoiler: Bring back the goblin characters who aided you in the caverns though, they are cult classic material in the making for a Ren'py character interplay!! Make them siege engineering quest help or slaver guild after your helping them to get started. They should earn their way back to their tribes!!

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Day 1000 Despot here. lol All I retained was the central hub (with a 36 for garrison strength post bellum) and haven't even rode to see the old lady about governor. I have all quests complete and all queens are at my palace, but my territories are all feral. Now at turn 1000, I will hunt the Lim's if I can and make war on the Eastern Sister. Only 118 coin in 1000 days. lol pathetic! My better original playthrough was better than 550 in 1245 days, or something epic like that. God, bless, the goblin love. Your Khan is my guy when it comes to using them for their virtues. Please add more, with more interaction with slave marketing and brutal barbarian cultures.